

What is an Internship in a Company and Why is it Useful?

If you're a student or a recent graduate, you may have heard about internships in companies. But what exactly is an internship, and why should you consider doing one? In this blog post, you'll get answer to these questions and gather all the information you need to know about internships.

What is an Internship

What is an Internship in a Company?

According to the Ministry of Labor, Full Employment, and Insertion, an internship is a temporary period of placement in a professional environment during which students acquire professional skills. In other words, an internship is an opportunity for you to spend some time in a company to discover the professional world.

During an internship, you will be assigned one or more tasks defined by your educational institution and approved by the company. The duration of an internship can vary from a week to several months, depending on the company and the educational institution's requirements.

The sector or domain of the company can also be very diverse. You can go to a company in the agri-food, computer, mechanical, research center, library, or any other field where you can be in contact with the professional world.

What is an Internship in a Company?

Why is an Internship in a Company Useful?

Now that we've explained what an internship in a company is, let's dive into why it's useful.

Discovering Different Careers and Departments.

One of the most significant benefits of doing an internship in a company is that you get to discover several careers and departments. You'll be able to get to know your interests, the jobs you like, and the ones you don't. This will help you to know the careers that interest you and the ones that don't.

For each career, you'll be able to discover the workload, necessary skills, and studies required afterward. Knowing the job or sector you're interested in is very important because it will motivate you to work harder in school to succeed in your studies and reach your career goals.

Concrete Applications of Classroom Concepts.

Another significant benefit of an internship in a company is that you'll have concrete applications of the concepts you've learned in class. For example, if you go to a company that produces computer screens, you'll use the affine functions you learned in math. These functions are used for the nuances of colors in the images.

By applying these concepts in a real-world setting, you'll gain a deeper understanding of how they work and why they're important. This will help you to remember them better and make connections between theory and practice.


Discovering the Codes of Life in a Company.

Finally, an internship in a company will allow you to discover the codes of life in the company. Every company has its culture, codes, and way of doing things. By spending time in a company, you'll learn how to interact with colleagues, how to behave in a professional environment, and how to navigate different situations.

You'll also learn valuable soft skills such as communication, teamwork, time management, and problem-solving. These skills are crucial in any career and will help you to succeed in the workplace.


An internship in a company is an excellent opportunity for you to discover the professional world, learn new skills, and gain valuable experience. By doing an internship, you'll be able to discover different careers and departments, apply classroom concepts in a real-world setting, and learn valuable soft skills.

So if you're a student or a recent graduate, don't hesitate to explore internship opportunities in companies. It could be the start of a rewarding career and a great way to build your professional network.

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